Hello, Rotarians
I'm planning a trip for Rotarians - ROTARY WINE TOUR IN GEORGIA , September 2018
Georgia is a beautiful and warm country, with an enormous georgian hospitality
Huge vine plantations and the best wines
Traditional delicious Georgian food
Beautiful landscape, architecture and monuments
Caucasus - this is mountains and valleys, tea plantations, sweet grapes, oranges, mandarine, watermelons, peaches, apples, pears, cherries and other fruits and vegetables.
A natural environment that combines nature and civilization, rich history and Caucasian tradition
Program tour - annex
The average price per day for a tour is 70 - 80 Euro per person
(food, trips, logistics, sightseeing)
For the plane tickets and for the hotel - you pay by yourself.
We will rekomendation hotels (expensive price, medium price, cheap price)
The program can be agreed.
We can set a tour program together for a group (minimum 10 people)
The collected money will be spent on a charity goal.
We are renovating a center for disabled children in Georgia
Some of the money has already been collected. Walls were renovated and new windows were purchased.
For every help and support - great gratitude
If anyone is interested - please contact me
Aleksander Adam Laskawer, Rotarian
Executive Secretary/Director
Club Rotary Rustavi International
Kastanienallee 59
DE, 16307 Gartz Oder
Tel / Viber / WatsApp +49 1516 320 3014
E-mail: alaskawer@gmail.com
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